Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Go hard bro!

People keep asking me what I do for exercise. So here it is.

I did P90x for awhile and liked it, but found myself getting bored or just over it by 45 min. Plus I have a 3.5 year old at home and it can be really difficult to get him to entertain himself for 60-90 minutes. And let's face it- when you are jumping and jiggling around in your living room and sweating like a pig the last thing you want is to be interrupted every few minutes by a small child asking what you're doing, especially when you really have no idea what you are doing.

Walking is an all time favorite of mine. It feels good. It works good. It's good for your heart and clears your head. I love when the weather is nice I can just put my son in a jogging stroller, stick in some headphones, and go. My problem is that I've been doing it for so long now that I'm not really getting results from it anymore. When I first started going a mile a day I was having the weight fall off. Now I go 3-5 miles and just don't see those kind of results. Plus, right now it is still freezing and snowing so that's out. 

Currently I am doing T25. I. LOVE. IT!! Seriously- how can you beat a 25 minute workout that makes you sweat like crazy and walk around like a newborn calf after?!? The workouts are intense but short so it's easy to push yourself through each one. There is also a modifier who shows you a less intense version of everything so you can build yourself up at your own pace. It's also just long enough that my 3.5 year old can sit in front of the Tv and watch an episode of Sherif Callie before he realizes that I'm gone and he needs to ask me 1,726,839 questions. My husband also does T25. He is active duty Marine Corps and his fitness level is just so far above and beyond mine that it was frustrating for me to work out with him. I know many couples who enjoy working out together- I don't. I want to push myself and not care if I'm flopping around, panting, throwing myself on the ground, and tripping over my own feet. I don't want my husband to see that. Not cute. 

We have made our spare room our workout room. If you have this option and want to work out at home I would totally recommend that. As soon as I walk into that room I'm ready to go into beast mode ( or my version of that) and go hard. Like real hard. T25 is all about focus and being in the moment, and anytime I feel like I can't go anymore I just follow the modifier for a minute and then jump back in. 

Go hard. When you are working out you HAVE to give it your all. You have to seriously push yourself past your comfort zone. There are moves that I physically can't do- yet. So I push myself to try to do them the best I can. Like a burpee. I can't do burpees, but I still try. Now my version of a burpee is basically me throwing myself on and off the floor as fast as I can. It works. I'm getting closer to the real things. There are also these leg up things where you are in plank position and bring your knees up. Those are hard for me but I still do them. Towards the end I get to the point that I'm basically just dragging my legs on the carpet. It works. I'm getting better at those too. At the end of my workout I am usually covered in sweat, bruises, and possibly even carpet burn. I love it. It means I have pushed myself past my comfort zone. It means next time will be a little easier and I will go a little further. Go hard bro!

Friday, February 21, 2014

My Journey

So this is me at 22 at my sisters wedding. The girl, the one smaller than me, is my sister. It was her wedding and she was 8 months pregnant with my beautiful niece.  I was not pregnant. I was just really overweight and really unhappy.  I remember as I was getting ready for the wedding my grandma came up behind me and put her hands on my stomach and said "you really need to get rid of this".  It killed me and motivated me at the same time.  I am only 5ft tall so here at 230 pounds I was very overweight, very unhealthy, and very unhappy.  I decided to do something about it. 
First thing I had to do was get out of a really bad relationship and focus on myself. I gave up fast food, soda, joined a gym, and the weight came off.  Fast forward to 23 and I was happy, healthy, and madly in love. So I married that man and was really enjoying my life and my body.
Life was so good. I moved to NC and was having a blast with my husband. And shortly after we got married we got pregnant. And I got big
 And bigger
 And seriously like so big!!!
I totally gave up all my healthy habits while I was pregnant. I ate whatever I wanted, I drank soda every day, and I did very little exercise. It was completely normal for me to spend practically the whole day just laying around- except for of course driving to McDonalds for a chicken sandwich with pickles, as a snack, pretty much every day.  Everyone told me it was fine. It was just baby weight. It would go away as soon as I had the baby. And if I nursed it would just fall right off...
But it didn't. In fact, I left the hospital weighing the exact same as when I went in.  After having a 7lb 4oz baby. The weight didn't fall off- at all.  And I went from a cute pregnant girl to a very overweight girl literally overnight.  I hoped that maybe breastfeeding would help with the weight. But it didn't. And again I found myself getting bigger
 and bigger
Breastfeeding wasn't helping.  The weight wasn't falling off.  And I started to notice some other problems too.  I was getting really hot all the time and feeling like my heart was racing.  To the point that I would take my pulse and be terrified at how fast it was beating.  I was also hungry all the time, and would get really lightheaded if I didn't eat for a little bit, and everything just felt off.  I went to my doctor and a bunch of blood work later they realized that I was insulin resistant, hyperthyroid, and my liver levels were dangerously off.  I had to stop breastfeeding and take medicine to control my heart rate. I also had to see a specialist.  At 24 years old I had to take a beta blocker.  I remember the doctor bringing in my husband and going over the signs of a heart attack- because they were worried that with my weight and health issues it could happen at anytime.  They told me I would end up diabetic, I would need my thyroid removed, and I needed to have a biopsy of my liver. I went home and accepted that this was just how it would be, because that is what my doctor told me. 
 My sons first Thanksgiving. I had been taking the beta blocker for about a month and was finally starting to feel somewhat normal again.
For Christmas we went home to visit family.  I literally wore this outfit to each house we went to because it was the only thing that really fit and I thought it was flattering....so yes there were things less flattering.
The end of January in NC was gorgeous. So I asked a friend if they would do some family pictures for us.  I was so excited to have some beautiful memories of my family. But what I got back was the first wake up call that I needed to do something different and drastic.
Looking at the pictures made me so sad. As much as I loved that I had these memories of my family I didn't recognize myself.  I just saw a fat wife and a fat mom and it broke my heart.  I wanted better for my husband. I wanted better for my son. I wanted better for myself.  I really don't know how to explain it to someone who has never dealt with weight issues.  Its really like you are drowning in your own weight.  Like every single pound is a shouting at you and screaming at you and telling you that you aren't good enough.  I felt like I was less than a real person. So I started walking.  First time I went walking I made it like halfway around the block and had to stop.  I had given up on myself when the doctors gave up on me, but now I wanted better. So the next day I went out again and pushed myself just a little bit further.  Day after day I pushed myself.  Eventually I was walking a mile a day and taken off the beta blocker because my thyroid had leveled itself off.  I didn't need to get a liver biopsy either because all my liver blood work started coming back normal also.  By August 2012 I looked like this
More blood work showed more normal levels.  And a glucose tolerance test showed I was no longer pre-diabetic or insulin resistant.  I kept walking every day doing 3 miles a day and a year later I looked like this
There was almost no difference.  I continued to walk and I was more active than previous years but I was no longer losing any weight.  While I was so thankful to be smaller and healthier than I had previously been- I wasn't happy.  I didn't feel like this is who I was or what I was supposed to look like.  I felt like I was trapped in this fat body- like a prisoner who couldn't escape.  
I have the most amazing husband anyone could ask for.  Through every pant size, every medical issue, every night I sat and just sobbed because I hated my body my husband has stood by my side and told me I am beautiful.  He is really amazing. And at this point I had sort of just accepted that maybe this was as small as I could get and just to deal with it. 
But then there was my son. My sweet, loving, brutally honest son.  See he is only 3.5 so he doesn't really know how it works yet.  He doesn't know you are supposed to tell women that they are beautiful no matter what.  He doesn't know that saying things about someones weight is mean.  And he doesn't know the difference between someone with a really big belly and someone with a backwards butt....because that is what he though I had, and he had no problem telling me that one day.  We were sitting on the couch together and I was scrolling through facebook and I came across a before and after picture for some weight loss thing.  I didn't even know he was looking at the screen until he jumped up and yelled "That looks like you mommy!".  I laughed and looked at the picture and said "the one with the really blonde hair??"  and he said "No! The one with the backwards butt!". And right there, right then, was the second wake up I got that I needed to do something different. 
At this point I was seriously lost though. I had tried a bunch of different stuff and nothing seemed to really work.  I started up p90x again and tried to pick healthier choices and was determined that I would get rid of my backwards butt.  About a month later I ended up in my doctors office for a sinus infection.  I was actually excited to get weighed because I thought for sure I had lost.  Stepped on the scale. Waited. And then almost died when I saw I had gained 5 pounds.  By the time the doctor came in I was just a blubbering sobbing mess.  I told him about the backwards butt, and the weight gain, and hating myself, and really truly wanting to do whatever it took. 
Now this is something I will never deny, and its not for everyone, but my doctor and I decided that I needed a little more than just diet and exercise to get things rolling.  From being overweight for so long he said my metabolism had likely just crashed and we were going to have to reboot my system.  I left that day with a prescription for adipex- but even better than that I left with hope.  I was going to do it. I was going to do whatever it took to lose the weight.  And now I had the support of my doctor, a pill to help my metabolism, and all the motivation I needed. I got this!!!
Day 1- December 7, 2013
 So here it is. The dreaded "before" picture.  Although at this point its more like an after the before and after and before and after photo. Or something like that.  But this one was different.  This one would be the last before picture. This was the last time that I would look like this. I researched the crap out of losing weight, diet plans, exercise plans, tips for using the medicine, motivational stuff, anything I could think of that would help. I switched sugar for stevia, gave up all dairy except cheese, gave up my coffee creamer, stopped eating gluten, cut out beer, cut way back on all other alcohol,  packed my diet with quality meats and lots of veggies.  I also recruited my best friend to be my food monitor.  I literally sent her pictures of every single thing I ate all day long. I still do- mostly. I also stated taking a picture every single Saturday and I send those straight to her also.  See, while my husband will tell me I'm beautiful no matter what- she has no problem telling me if I need to get my act together.

Here's the new me. 
 Literally a totally new me. A new look, a new hairstyle, a new body, new outlook on life, a new appreciation for diet and fitness, and a totally new lifestyle.  At 27 I am the healthiest and happiest I have been in my entire adult life.   The biggest thing I have learned on my journey is that you HAVE to commit to whatever you want to do.  You have to do whatever it takes and give it your all.  Diets wont work.  Fad workouts wont work.  Awesome metabolism boosting pills wont work- at least not on their own long term.  You have to change your thoughts, your behaviors, your whole life.  You have to watch what you eat, make good choices, cut back alcohol, work out until you are so sore you are using frozen veggies to ice your legs.   I have also learned that its totally worth it. 
February 17, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Why I started this blog.

I originally started this blog as a place for me to share all my favorite recipes. Pastries, pastas, bisques, and pretty much anything else that tasted delicious but wasn't actually good for your body.  Over the past year and especially the past few months I have come to really appreciate the importance of putting healthy foods into your body. Along with that I have discovered the importance of living a healthy life, staying active, loving yourself, and making good choices as much as possible. I have also learned the importance of really living life and doing whatever it takes to be the best person you can be. So this is my blog, about my journey to a healthier happier me, and my continued efforts to improve myself.  I will share healthy recipes, workout ideas, and whatever else I want- because its my blog.