Sunday, March 9, 2014

13 weeks

Did you know that 13 weeks could totally change your life? Seriously. If I had known before how much my life could change in just 13 weeks I wouldn't have wasted YEARS doubting myself, hating myself, making excuses, etc. 

13 weeks ago was the day I went to my doctors office for a sinus infection. The day I realized I needed a change and committed 100% to do whatever it took to change my life. 
Here I am, 13 weeks ago, crying to my doctor. My son had a snow day so I ended up just bringing him with me to my appointment. To keep him quiet I gave him my phone to play with. I had no idea he would be taking pictures. I also had no idea how much this picture would end up meaning to me. This, my friends, is an actual picture of my rock bottom. A picture of me pouring my heart out to my doctor about how much I truly hated myself and promising to do whatever it took to change that. This is a picture of the first day of the rest of my life. 

So how much a difference can 13 weeks really make? It can change your whole world. 13 weeks ago I hated myself. I hated to look in the mirror. I hated to get dressed and buy new clothes. I hated for my husband to even accidentally brush his hand across my stomach. 13 weeks ago I thought I was gross, and weak, and I had fooled myself into thinking that I was trying. I had made excuses instead of real changes. And I had secretly hid inside my comfort zone without realizing how much I was holding myself back. So let's fast forward a little bit so I can show you exactly what 13 weeks changed for me.
I wish that I could even put into words the difference I feel in my whole life. What you see here is the physical changes that have been made in 13 weeks. And they are huge! Like 30 pounds huge!! But what you don't see is all the other changes. I love myself now. Like seriously love myself. And not just because I look different but because I worked so hard to do it. I respect myself because I pushed myself past my comfort zone and every single day I made good healthy choices and committed myself 100% to it. I walk past a mirror and I like what I see. I even have to sometimes stop a second to take it in, because I still don't believe that it's really me. I love to get new clothes! I have loved even more getting rid of all my old ones. Now I don't mind if my husband accidentally brushes my stomach- heck, I don't mind if he does it on purpose. 

I am strong. I am confident. I am happy. 

Seriously. 13 weeks. 

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